#Government Falsifies Warning on #Kratom to Protect #Opioids #KeepKratomLegal #SaveKratom #IamKratom

#Government Falsifies Warning on #Kratom to Protect #Opioids #KeepKratomLegal #SaveKratom #IamKratom

  The overprescription of powerful opioid drugs to treat everything from back pain to arthritis has resulted in an unprecedented crisis of overdose and death in the U.S. Even when taken as directed, prescription opioids can lead to addiction as well as tolerance,...

The future of medicine is here: ACAM conferences, DigiVision Media and the art and science of real healing

Given the medical brainwashing, propaganda, drug company bribes and all the other nonsense that goes on in conventional medicine today, it’s very difficult to find a group of physicians and clinicians who have any real understanding of healing. But I’ve...